Wednesday, June 29, 2011

About me/ Blogger
I always hate doing these "about me" posts because if I listed all my interest at the current moment, I know in a year or 6 months from now it will change and each time I would have to change it which is a complete pain to do!! Although I like to see change throughout myself it is seriously not an enjoyable task at all.  As you can already presume, I am a quite lazy. I am a hard worker at school and if I had a job, I would be a hard worker at that too but currently other than that I am a lazy person in general. However, I am also a neat freak so I'm not sure how that works out. Well anyways something about me that I know will never change is my height I will stay 5 feet and 4 inches FOREVER!! Kind of scary and a bit sad really.. my dreams of becoming at least 5 feet and 7 inches are now forgotten. Also that won't change about me is that I will always be half mexican, from my mothers side, and half filipino from my fathers side. That bit of information does not change the fact that I am 100% American because I was born here in the states. Also, I will always have a younger brother and a younger sister and of course a mom and dad. I will not mention their names or thier age because I feel in my blog that is not important, that will just be desirable info to all those pedophiles or creepers who would like to know people on the internet.  Basically, that is about it.  Now about this blog... well first things first.. what is this blog going to be about? well technically I already have a tumblr and that is basically all things me, the music, quotes, the pictures that inspire and I enjoy. I also write my poems that just randomly creates itself in my head. So what can I possibly write in this blog that would be in any complete interest to you...or to myself really. Well this blog I have intended for is I guess sort of like a diary. I am headed off to college, again the college does not matter. So this shall be blogs about the college life, things I have learned and what not and I guess there will be the occasional spamming of personal photos, but then again that is what facebook is for. But this will be its purpose. At the moment however, I am currently enjoying my summer. But as you may presume I am quite bored right about now because I am taking my time to write this. This college life blog take notice will not always be interesting to other people, but to me it will capture memories and when I get older and have kids, I want to look back on this site and tumblr to see how I have changed. Well that is about it. This is Mayvett Mendoza and you can delve into her life just like the creeper you are. However, if you are not a creeper feel free to comment and leave advice or suggestions as you feel needed. Thank you very much and this is well the end :)

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