Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I have come to the revelation that even though women are now supposed to have equal rights like men; The world is still sexist and still goes back to the norm of the men working and the women taking care of the children and still doing household chores. I see my mom day after day in the kitchen and immature guys will comment that is the "normal" place for women to be. But what caught my attention, which honestly I should have realized sooner, which makes me believe I am a bit slow is that society takes the belief of men and women to shape the younger generation. My little sister has a toy kitchen and at first it didn't seem like anything to me but then I realized that you don't see little boys with toy kitchens and then it hit me. Women are seen belonging in the kitchen!! Those sexist bastards! And now my little sister is pretending to cook  :( it is cute but sad at the same time. All I know is, if I am in the kitchen its because I am cooking for myself, and my husband can go cook his own damn food. Men needs to spend time in the kitchen as well. :P

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Took this on my NEW LAPTOP!! <3 Macbook Pro baby!! :) LOVE IT

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Snapple Facts

Like the fortune cookie, snapple has quirky and interesting facts that people find interesting but forgettable. But I think those facts are worth remembering looking back at this blog. SO...

Fact # 836
Pomology is the study of fruit 

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Six flags!

My sister's first ride! :) yay!


Thursday, August 4, 2011


Guess who found their license! :D!!...ok, truthfully my mom did. But it's funny in how she did find it. Me and my mom were in the living room talking about how we should go to the DMV soon and get my renewed licence before I go to college. Afterwards, I go to the kitchen to get something to drink and my mom calls me back to the living room and she is holding up my licence! I was in shock!! My face looked exactly like this...I asked her where she found it and she pointed to the picture frame holder. Now there was three things going through my head.
1. Yay!! Now we don't have to go the DMV!!
2. Man, I guess I didn't look EVERYWHERE after all and I am lazy
Either way, I'm just glad it was found and ironically like three minutes after we were talking about getting a new one! How weird is that?
